
What is wrong with the world?

what is wrong with the world

If we look at the way things are going about in the world, especially when people in authority make ridiculous decisions, it all boils down to one thing ie. Man has no fear of God and has become sinful! When man has no fear of God, everything they do is just “fine” for them. There are no rules to follow and the popular attitude is, man is a social being and has the right to do what-ever they wish to do.


 If we look around, we see that everything has a manual. For instance, a car has a manual and the products we buy comes with a manual. If we don’t operate those products with the instructions in the manual, they would not provide satisfactory results or would even become unusable.


The Holy bible is the manual for mankind. It has exactly the step by step instructions on how to go about through various areas of our lives, be it family values, work ethic, moral choices or any relationships. In 2 Timothy 3:16-17 , it says-  All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.


The verse above talks about the significance and relevance of the bible in our lives. It says that the scripture is instigated by God, which means God Almighty moved people who He used as His tools to write. The Bible contains God’s guidelines for living a happy and content life. When we read the bible we see that every important aspect of our lives are stated in it, as God in His wisdom, beyond human understanding knows that we need his instructions, or advice, on how to live life to the Royal standards expected by Him.


The videos below encourages us to read the bible to find answers to the daily challenges faced by us as humans.